CORE Action Center
Please read below for information about our current projects.
The SCORECARD Baseline Report is here. Download your copy by clicking here.
The Sacramento Coalition on Regional Equity Collaborative Assessment of Regional Development (SCORECARD) Baseline Regional Report provides an overview of levels and patterns of opportunity and disparity in the region. This report is part of a longer term process dynamically linking community involvement with regional mapping and GIS analysis to support advocacy and organizing that promotes regional equity and health in the six county Sacramento region. The report attempts to answer the following questions: What are the patterns of social and economic opportunity in the Sacramento region? Are we growing more equitably, or becoming more unequal over time? In what areas are we improving and where are there areas of concern?
SCORECARD is a collaboration between the Coalition on Regional Equity and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change.
CORE tracks a variety of current and ongoing regional projects and programs, with special attention paid to projects and programs affecting low-income communities and communities of color. By monitoring a variety of projects, CORE is able to take action when appropriate to help advocate for equitable and sustainable regional change. Currently, CORE is monitoring implementation of SB 375, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, the development in the Curtis Park railyards, and Regional Transit service. For more information on any of these issues, sign up for the CORE mailing list by entering your email in the box on the right side of this page, call us at (916) 455-4900, or email CORE Staff.
Posted by [CORE] Staff on 02/01 at 01:37 PM
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Sacramento Natural Gas Storage LLC has proposed to store 8 billion cubic feet of compressed natural gas in an existing geologic formation located under the Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood. Over 90% of the affected residents are people of color and the community is in the 10th percentile in income nationally. There are significant health risks if there is seepage including accumulation of gas in structures and basements and contamination of the air and water. CORE is working with the neighborhood association to organize and inform community residents.
The Sacramento News and Review featured a very thorough and eye opening account of the struggles of the Avondale Glen Elder neighborhood against the potential siting of a 7 billion cubic foot natural gas storage facility under homes in this low-income community of color. Neighborhood residents, including Constance Slider, provide the human context to this potentially devastating proposal. To read the article, click here.
On June 10th, after 14 months of additional review, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) published the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the proposal by Sacramento Natural Gas Storage. The FEIR is the final word on the environmental impacts of the Proposed Project. The FEIR finds that the Project will have significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the risk of groundwater contamination, health effects, and flash fires or explosions. (FEIR, p. D.6-27.) See this 2-page summary of the FEIR’s conclusions.
If you would like more information, or would like to become involved, contact CORE by calling (916) 455-4900 or by emailing Constance Slider.
Posted by [CORE] Staff on 06/05 at 09:56 AM
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The Rumsey Band of the Wintun Indians is proposing a MASSIVE casino and resort expansion at Cache Creek Casino. This expansion will include 467 additional hotel rooms and 27 new hillside casitas, two new formal restaurants, five small restaurants, an event/conference center, 3-4 new retail shops, six new spa treatment rooms, additional gaming floor and office space, three new swimming pools, and related support facilities and utilities. The expansion will add 1,000 new employees to the area, which will put a strain on Affordable Housing in Yolo County and the local area. Additionally, this expansion will lead to increased traffic and pollution in the area.
An expansion of this size must ensure that the entire community, workers, and Rumsey benefit from the expansion. If you would like to learn more about the project you can read the Tribal Environmental Impact Report by clicking here.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued a notice of proposed action to issue a Proposed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. The proposed permit and fact sheet can be viewed here: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The public comment period closed July 8.
If you would like to learn more about this project or become involved contact us at (916) 455-4900 or by emailing CORE Staff.

The Sacramento Housing Alliance is the fiscal agent for CORE. Donations from this page will be directed to CORE.
Coalition on Regional Equity
Objectives of CORE
What is Regional Equity?
Affordable Housing
Environmental Issues
Community Health